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Sanitary Engineering

Price: Rs. 490/- Bhundipuran Publication’s “Sanitary Engineering” has been designed to meet the requirements of the course with the same name in Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering in all universities in Nepal.The main focus of this book is to acquaint readers with wastewater engineering theory and design principles.This book will help the students…

Water Supply Engineering (Environmental Engineering – I)

Price: Rs. 490/- Bhundipuran Publication’s “Water Supply Engineering” has been designed to meet the requirements of the course with the same name in Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering in all universities in Nepal.The main focus of this book is to acquaint readers with water supply engineering theory and design principles.This book covers…

Fundamentals of Microwave Engineering (B.E. Fourth Year, Part II in Electronics and Communication Engineering)

Price: Rs. 300/- Bhundipuran Publication’s “Fundamentals of Microwave Engineering” has been designed for students of both undergraduate and postgraduate courses.This book is intended primarily to provide the understanding of the fundamentals of microwave theory and application, design and analysis practices, and measurement techniques in a single volume.This book is intended…

काठ तथा काष्ठ प्रविधि (Wood & Woodwork Technology)

मूल्य रु.४००/- भुँडीपुराण प्रकाशनको “काठ तथा काष्ठ प्रविधि” लोकनाथ पुडासैनीद्वारा तयार पारिएको पाठ्यसामग्री हो।यस पुस्तकमा काठ तथा काष्ठ प्रविधिको पुर्ण रुपमा व्याख्या गरिएको छ।यो पुस्तक सिटिइभिटी तथा इञ्जिनियरिङ्गका विद्यार्थीहरुलाई एकदमै उपयोगी छ।यो पुस्तक आम पाठकले पनि सजिलै बुझ्न सक्ने गरी तयार गरिएको छ, त्यसैले जो कोहिले यो पुस्तकबाट लाभ उठाउन…